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Editorial Process

All submissions to the International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications undergo a rigorous review process. The review process is single-blind, meaning that the reviewers’ identities remain anonymous to the authors, while the reviewers are aware of the authors’ identities. The standard peer review procedure is as follows:

  1. All submissions are initially reviewed by journal editors to ensure adherence to the journal’s requirements, including English composition, scientific integrity, and ethical considerations.
  2. Submissions are then assigned to an academic editor, who will invite referees to review the manuscript.
  3. Once comprehensive referee reports are received, the academic editor will make the initial decision on the manuscript, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  4. Upon receiving a revised manuscript with documented explanations, the academic editor, in consultation with the referees, will make the final decision. Acceptance is contingent upon detailed and conclusive reports confirming the manuscript’s value and contribution to the field.
  5. Submissions from journal board members, including Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Guest Editors, are handled confidentially by a separate team member.
  6. For submissions to Special Issues, if conflicts of interest arise between Guest Editors and authors, the submission will be handled by another academic Editor from the Editorial Board.
  7. All papers accepted by Guest Editors of Special Issues will be supervised by the Editor-in-Chief or an Editorial Board member in the relevant field.

The International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications provides a review report form to ensure a systematic and streamlined process. Referees are expected to focus on both the scientific quality and presentation of the manuscript, providing constructive comments to enhance its quality. This ensures fair, rapid, comprehensive, and comparable assessment of the research.

The journal is committed to upholding the highest publication ethics standards and takes publication malpractice and conflicts of interest seriously. Authors, editors, and referees are required to disclose any conflicts of interest.

The reviewing process is strictly confidential, and referees are expected to treat it as such. Referees must not disclose any confidential information obtained during the review process before the manuscript is published.

The International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications believes that an efficient editorial process leading to timely publication provides a valuable service to both authors and the scientific community.